Etiqueta del plugin: javascript
Posts in Map
(1 total de valoraciones)Add short code [gmap] to insert in post a google map with advanced features and place geolocalized post in this map
Jelly: A Simple Responsive Slideshow
(0 total de valoraciones)Jelly is a simple, responsive, WordPress slideshow.
Disqus Conditional JS Load
(2 total de valoraciones)Stop the loading of Disqus Javascript on pages/posts where comments are closed or not available.
LiveReload Snippet
(4 total de valoraciones)Add the LiveReload javascript snippet to the footer of your theme.
JK Development Console
(1 total de valoraciones)A development console for adding custom javascript and CSS.
(0 total de valoraciones)Powerful framework plugin for turning your WordPress theme into an isomorphic JavaScript application.
Easy Tags
(0 total de valoraciones)Easy Tags allows you to easily add code like Facebook Pixels, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Pinterest Verification Meta Info, Google Wemasters …
Insert JS or CSS in post via Custom Field
(0 total de valoraciones)This plugin will insert urls of JavaScript or CSS stylesheet files added into a particular posts or page via Custom Fields.
(0 total de valoraciones)bValidator – Form validator for jQuery , bValidator is a jQuery plug-in for client side form validation.
Accesible _blank
(0 total de valoraciones)Open links in a new window but in a accesible way. Abre enlaces en una nueva ventana cumpliendo los estándares de accesibilidad.
(0 total de valoraciones)Uses HeadJS to load your enqueued scripts asynchronously, in parallel, executing them in order.
WP Art Gallery
(0 total de valoraciones)A full immersive gallery. No thumbnails, no distractions. Only one image a time. Fullscreen!
WordPress Tumblr AJAX Widget
(0 total de valoraciones)Simple plugin that launches an AJAX call to a selected Tumblr blog and displays the last couple of posts.
Save Me
(1 total de valoraciones)Saves JavaScript and other inline code from distortion by the WordPress rich text editor. Add code in the editor's VISUAL mode, bracketing it wit …
(0 total de valoraciones)Provides a method to copy protect your webpages from plagiarism and content theft.
WP CoffeeScript
(0 total de valoraciones)Allows developers to easily use CoffeeScript in WordPress. Simply use enqueue_coffeescript(); the compilation is done automatically behind the scenes.
LH Javascript Error log
(0 total de valoraciones)Log Javascript errors from your browser to your wordpress error log.