Etiqueta del plugin: items
(0 total de valoraciones)This plugin allows scheduling small elements of HTML or text with various options, and reusing of those elements wherever you want.
Bulk Menu Edit
(3 total de valoraciones)Remove multiple menu items in one single click, through a soft and clean interface.
Copy Nav Menu Items
(1 total de valoraciones)Simple plugin that allows for nav menu items to be copied with a single click.
WP Number Of Items Per Page
(2 total de valoraciones)WP Number Of Items Per Page is a simple, handy and practical plugin that shows paginate ordering of an amount of elements to be filtered.
RSS King Pro
(2 total de valoraciones)Output an external RSS feed onto your pages and posts, your way
Minecraft Item Library
(1 total de valoraciones)Adds the ability to create a Minecraft item/block/recipe/monster library using custom post types.
ELK Minimum Items per Order for WooCommerce
(0 total de valoraciones)This simple plugin allows to set a minimum number of items per order
Compare table
(1 total de valoraciones)Creates a table where a visitor can compare services or items or anything really, that you provide from the admin interface.