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Simple Writer

Simple Writer

  • Versión 1.0.8
  • Última actualización 9 ’09+00:00′ octubre ’09+00:00′ 2024
  • Instalaciones activas 500+
  • Versión de WordPress 5.0
  • Versión de PHP 7.2

Simple Writer is clean and modern, minimalist, fully responsive, translation-ready, 2 columns, blogging theme for WordPress. It has Customizer theme options, RTL support, multi-level navigation menu, header image support, full-width page/post templates, sticky menu, sticky right sidebar, 60+ social buttons, 4 columns footer, beautiful post summaries and more. Simple Writer PRO is a feature-rich blogging theme with color and font options, layout options, settings panel for each post/page, thumbnail size options for post summaries, 1-5 columns post summaries, Ajax powered featured posts widget and tabbed widget, about and social widget, custom page/post templates, layout and width options for each post/page, header image support for each post/page, 5 header styles, 1-6 columns footer layout options, built-in post likes and post views, built-in infinite scroll and load more button, 2 menus, 25+ share buttons, related posts on full posts and post summaries, more widget areas and many features. Free version demo: https://demo.themesdna.com/simple-writer/

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Instalaciones activas: 500+


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