Etiqueta del plugin: poem
(0 total de valoraciones)Inspired by "Hello, Dolly", this plugin shows a line from "Gaudério", a beautiful poem by the gaúcho poet João da Cunha Vargas.
Read a Poem – Month by Month
(3 total de valoraciones)Use this plugin to display dynamic fresh post content (poems) each month. Could be used for inspirational quotes or any monthly message.
Mankutimmana Kagga
(0 total de valoraciones)Show a random verse from Mankutimmana Kagga written by D.V.G on your website!
Hello Lyrics
(0 total de valoraciones)This is a plugin to display your favorite song/porem lyrics. Hello, Lyrics. When activated you will randomly see a lyric from your inserted lyric in t …
Hyakunin Isshu Admin Bar
(0 total de valoraciones)A plugin that randomly displays Hyakunin Isshu in the admin bar.