Etiqueta del plugin: dropdown
Min Max Step Quantity Limits Manager for WooCommerce
(45 total de valoraciones)Define a min/max, step, decimal & default quantity for products, show a dropdown and much more on WooCommerce stores.
Cities Shipping Zones for WooCommerce
(17 total de valoraciones)WooCommerce plugin for turning the state field into a dropdown city field. To be used as Shipping Zones.
Shipping Method Display Style for WooCommerce
(21 total de valoraciones)This plugin provides a configuration to display shipping methods as Radio button or select box on the checkout page.
Navigation menu as Dropdown Widget
(9 total de valoraciones)WordPress plugin which provides a widget with a clickable dropdown of a WordPress navigation menu. It supports one level of parent-child menu's.
Select and Multi-Select Field for Contact Form 7
(5 total de valoraciones)This plugin uses Select2 , a jQuery plugin which replaces traditional select boxes with a customizable one with a capability for a search on the conta …
(52 total de valoraciones)Create beautiful buttons and social icons. Button plugin is powerful and easy to use. You can create any types of buttons such as 2D,3D and social but …
RY City Select for WooCommerce
(8 total de valoraciones)Muestra una lista desplegable con las ciudades en WooCommerce. Establece automáticamente el código postal para la ciudad seleccionada.
Black Studio Touch Dropdown Menu
(22 total de valoraciones)Add support for navigation dropdown menus on mobile / touch devices.
Dropdown Content
(5 total de valoraciones)Allows different content to be displayed based on the value of an author-defined drop-down box.
City Dropdown For Woocommerce
(3 total de valoraciones)This Plugin change Woocommerce City input into a dropdown, based on states. Works only with Romania country!
jQuery Dropdown Menu
(1 total de valoraciones)JQuery Dropdown Menu provide a perfect dropdown menu, listing pages for your website. You can change your Wordpress navigation menu into multiple avai …
WordPress Custom Sidebar
(3 total de valoraciones)With this plugin you can handle sidebar contents like posts and assign them from a dropdown menu.
Section Page
(5 total de valoraciones)A simple plugin allowing you to insert dropdown sections in your wordpress pages and posts.
Suckerfish Dropdown Menu
(1 total de valoraciones)Description: This plugin loads a suckerfish script for providing support for older browsers such as Internet Explorer 6.
WordPress CSS Drop-down Menu
(1 total de valoraciones)Use Wordpress' nav menu system to create left/right widget flyouts, with support for Superfish
Show Variations For WooCommerce
(10 total de valoraciones)Display variations as single product or show variations dropdown on shop and category page.
WP Country
(0 total de valoraciones)Provides WP_Country PHP class to get countries list as an array and dropdown country select for use in other plugins and themes.
Webfish Dropdown Menu
(0 total de valoraciones)If you want a simple dropdown menu on your site and have no knowledge of coding, this is the plugin for you.
Sorting WooCommerce Lite
(0 total de valoraciones)Sorting WooCommerce Lite edition allows you to change the labels of the default sorting dropdown menu options or hide the sorting menu completely.